Thursday, October 06, 2005

Birth - and rebirth

I started thinking the other day. I've been blogging since october 2002. For three years. It's rediculous that I never blogged in English, since half of my family is English. Therefore I decided to start this minimalistic, custom designed web-page for all you relatives out there that must just be dying to know everything about my weary little life.

As it were, I am now an English major at the Univerisity of Iceland. It's just constant work, but very promising all the same. I took a year of from studying and went to work at a - well - I guess you could call it a department store. It's called BT (no, not British Telecom (harhar)) and sells computers, various electronics, DVD's, computer games, consoles and what not. As a result I now have extensive (well, extensive for a girl!) knowledge of computers, hard drives, memory units, TV's, digital cameras, portable phones and what not. Probably the best year of my life, to say the least, even though this one promises to be just as good, if not better.

I continue my dance studies religiously and am now teaching one group of girls between 12-13 and they're just a trip. I hope that I'll complete my diploma this spring, that is to say, graduate as a dancer.

Well let's be done with this mini-life story of mine for now. I've just completed a 13 hour study session, as I have a final looming next tuesday and I've completely stuffed my brain with all you can know about the romantics; Blake, Burns, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, Keats and what-do-you-mer-call-them. This essay I'm writing is also becoming a BIT tedious (who wants to write about Nature as an Exploitable Resource anyway? Not me, that's for sure), and I feel a rising need to actually get up and fix myself something to eat before I hit the hey (what hey? that's something I want to know). But I just can't be bothered. How weird is that? I've been dreaming about my bed all day and now when the hour in which I can freely slumber in it is finally upon me - I don't wanna. Besides, I got the idea of creating this little blog and when I get an idea I must execute. Immediately.

Just for fun, I'm gonna translate a bit of an entry I put on my Icelandic page the other day. To explain a bit, there is a "game" circling around the blog world these days called "Tag- your'e it." The point is basically to write down five things about yourself that people generally don't know. Here goes:

1: I have an extra bone on my right foot (dorsum pendis to be exact). This extra bone of mine is covered in scars since it frequently hits the floor during dance rehersals. It rises from my foot like a mountain and has caused genreal panic among children and men.

2:My shoe size is 6 officially but 7 in reality (or at least I think that's correct, I've never been good with the English sizes). Due to my constant stubbornness I've refused to accept this big-footed truth and used shoes no. 6 for the past (many) years. The result are extremely weird big toes, to say the least.

3: I got my navel pierced in some mini-rebellion when I was 15. I also have two tattoos, which I love. I'm not yet ready to reveal their true meaning, but I can tell you, it's funny.

4: Once I read a book full of completely useless information. That fine book was published in 1987 and is mainly responsible for the completely useless and uninteresting trivia that constantly flows out of my mouth. I read it 4 times in a row due to some inexplicable interst/sheer boredom and lack of a more interesting project.

5: I hate beer. And tea. And smoked haddock is just plain disgusting to me. Also I never put milk on my breakfast cerial, but put it in a glass and pick at it and drink a glass of water along with it. Cerial soaked in milk just isn't a juicy concept to me.

I hope this has clarified some things about me... or not. We'll see. Anyway, time to get to bed, it's 01:15 on a Thursday night and wee little 21 year olds such as myself really ought to be in bed. Oh let's be realistic. I'll probably crawl into bed and turn on FRIENDS - like always.


Edda- bloggin bilingually


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