Saturday, October 29, 2005


Evidently we celebrate Hallowe'en in Iceland too. We don't to the trick or treat thing, though, we do our own version of that on Ash Wednesday. Anyway, Hallowe'en in Iceland is an eve of fancy dress, but not strictly the grotesque dead-body-decappitated-witch sort of thing. The English Department had a Hallowe'en celebration last night and me and Iris went dressed up in the most outrageous 80's costumes as you can see above. And bloody good fun it was, too. To our misfortune, this was the night of the first snow. Thank God I had spent two hours that morning queueing to get my car tires changed. Otherwise we wouldn't have gotten far. The winged hair, unfortunately, sort of went flat due to all that snow, but frankly we didn't care.

I'm writing another essay in school now (I just don't understand why they make us do all that work (harhar)) and this time it is supposed to be about the cultural dominance of English-speaking countries. Interestingly enough, during my research, I found out that over 80% of all home pages on the internet are written and administered in English, with home pages written in German following "closely", with the grand total of 4.5% . I wonder in which place Icelandic home pages would be...

Well, it's 03:30 on a Sunday morning, I've been writing since 8 o'clock last night and I'm stuck. Wonder if it's time to go to bed yet. I feel I should be down town ridiculously dressed, for some reason.

Good night




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